Thursday, June 28, 2007


What do you like most about holidays?

I like staying up late, sleeping in and eating whatever I want!
See ya!


Aedan said...

what i like about the holidays is staying up late staying at friends houses eating lollies and waiting to goo back to school

plz wright to meeeeeeee plz but i wont get it un less im at mitchell's house have a good holiday

Levi said...

cool blog alice

Elizabeth said...

sweeeeeeeet blog!!!
i like the holidays because i get 2 stay up late and have lots of fun. anyway i'll c ya @ school ok?

p.s. did u know that becky got her hair cut shorter? byebye

p.p.s. i might not b able 2 keep in contacted because dad's laptop isn;t conecting @ home. byebye

p.p.s. can't wait 4 school and this is the last time i'll say anything in this comment, byebye

Elizabeth said...

c i told u i wouldn;t say anything more!!!!!!!!!!

Look at this Cute Kitty

Look at this Cute Kitty