Thursday, November 29, 2007

Young Man Brutally Slays Brother

Cain, first son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel yesterday afternoon. when asked where his brother was he denied he knew anything.
Startling new evidence has come to light, that Cain did infact murder his brother. Blood was found splattered across the ground in the paddock where Cain had been working.
Police are still investigating


Melody said...

i hope you have a good year at you new school
from melody

kplWhetu said...

Hi Alice!!
Howz ur holidaze goin'??
I hope ur not nervis 'bout startin' 'Hi Skool' hahaha LOL
Havnt cn u @ ol in da holidaze.
Thanx 4 ritin' 2 me! Hope 2 c u round!! BYE:)

Jamie-Lee said...

Hay Alice!!!
Howz ur holidayz going??
Hope hi school will be fun 4 u cant wait 2 c u next year!!!:')

Rebekah said...

hi alice hav a great year @ mot high!!!!

kplWhetu said...

Yo Alice howzit goin'.
C ya l8er! :)

Reubarb said...

Srry 'bout Yur Dad

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Look at this Cute Kitty

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